牌号简介 About |
Purell HP671T是一种高流动性聚丙烯,具有核化和伽马射线稳定添加剂。Purell HP671T用于注塑医学应用。毫无例外,此类应用中的供应将接受我们的初步审查。请联系您当地的销售联系人,了解更多详细信息。该等级具有很高的刚度和良好的透明度。Purell HP671T用于高透明度和严格的药物和诊断应用。有关监管信息,请参阅Purell HP671T《产品管理公告》(PSB),无例外,制药、医疗器械、实验室和诊断领域的所有潜在应用活动必须首先与相关技术(P&AD)和业务联系人进行讨论。 Purell HP671T is a high fluidity polypropylene, which is nucleated and has a gamma - ray stabilizing additivation. Purell HP671T is used in injection moulding medical applications. Without exception, the supply in such applications is subject to our preliminary review. Please get in contact with your local sales contact for further details. This grade exhibits a very high stiffness combined with an excellent transparency. Purell HP671T is applied in high transparency and rigid pharmaceutical and diagnostic applications. For regulatory information please refer to Purell HP671T Product Stewardship Bulletin (PSB) Without exception, all potential activities for applications in the pharmaceutical, medical device, laboratory and diagnostics area have to be discussed with the relevant Technical (P & AD) and Business contacts first. |
技术参数 Technical Data | |||
额定值 Nominal Value |
单位 Units |
测试方法 Test Method |
密度 Density |
0.900 | g/cm³ | ISO 1183 |
熔体质量流动速率 Melt Flow Rate |
230℃,2.16kg 230℃,2.16kg |
55 | g/10min | ISO 1133 |
额定值 Nominal Value |
单位 Units |
测试方法 Test Method |
拉伸模量 Tensile modulus |
1900 | MPa | ISO 527-2 |
拉伸强度 tensile strength |
屈服,23℃ Yield, 23 ℃ |
39.0 | MPa | ISO 527-2 |
拉伸应变 Tensile strain |
ISO 527-2 | ||
屈服,23℃ Yield, 23 ℃ |
7.5 | % | ISO 527-2 |
断裂,23℃ Fracture, 23 ℃ |
% | ISO 527-2 | |
冲击性能 IMPACT |
额定值 Nominal Value |
单位 Units |
测试方法 Test Method |
简支梁缺口冲击强度 Charpy Notched Impact Strength |
23℃ 23℃ |
kJ/m² | ISO 179 | |
额定值 Nominal Value |
单位 Units |
测试方法 Test Method |
热变形温度 Hot deformation temperature |
0.45 MPa,未退火 0.45 MPa, unannealed |
℃ | ISO 75-2/B | |
光学性能 optical performance |
额定值 Nominal Value |
单位 Units |
测试方法 Test Method |
光泽度 gloss |
45° 45° |
ASTM D2457 | ||
雾度 Haze |
1000 µm 1000 µm |
% | ASTM D1003 |
备注 |
1 一般属性:这些不能被视为规格。 |
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