Nycast Xha Blue和Nycast 6pa Natural是业内使用最广泛的两种铸造尼龙,它们在各种不同的应用领域(尤其是作为轴承材料)都提供了成功的性能(有润滑和无润滑)。它们重量轻,具有非常好的耐磨性、高拉伸强度和高弹性模量。其他重要性能包括:高抗冲击性、优异的抗振动性、抗脆性和变质性、易加工性和耐磨性、高热变形温度。 Two of the most widely used cast nylons in the industry, NYCAST XHA BLUE and NYCAST 6PA NATURAL have delivered successful performance - with and without lubrication - in a variety of diverse applications, particularly as a bearing material. They are lightweight, offer extremely good wear resistance, high tensile strength and high modulus of elasticity. Other significant properties include: High impact resistance Excellent vibration resistance Resistance to brittleness and deterioration Easy machinability and abrasion resistance High heat distortion temperature