牌号简介 About |
355E是一种以戊烷为发泡剂的自熄(SE)级可膨胀聚苯乙烯(EPS)。该牌号的开发是为了满足快速膨胀率和短压力释放时间的要求。它特别适合制造自熄式EPS绝缘板、砌块成型机。这一等级也广泛用于包装产品的生产(而不是食品包装),其中硒特性将是有利的。 355E is a Self Extinguishing (SE) grade Expandable Polystyrene (EPS) containing Pentane as blowing agent. This grade is developed to meet the demand for fast expansion rate and short pressure release times in block moulding. It is particularly well suited for the manufacture of self extinguishing EPS insulation boards, block moulded machines. This grade is also widely used for the production of packaging products (not food packaging), where SE properties will be advantageous. |
技术参数 Technical Data | |||
额定值 Nominal Value |
单位 Units |
测试方法 Test Method |
K-Value K-Value |
54.5 到 58.5 | ||
Minimum Density Minimum Density |
0.014 到 0.015 | g/cm³ | |
模塑密度 Molded density |
0.018 到 0.030 | g/cm³ | |
含水量 water content |
< 0.20 | % | |
珠子直径 Bead diameter |
630.0 到 1120.0 | µm | |
补充信息 Supplementary information |
额定值 Nominal Value |
单位 Units |
测试方法 Test Method |
Blowing Agent(Pentane) Blowing Agent(Pentane) |
wt% |
备注 | |||
暂无数据 |
地缘政治风险加剧供应紧张态势 国际油价续创逾7年来新高
2022-01-19 搜料网资讯: 随着市场对奥密克戎的担忧逐渐消退,以及地缘政治的紧张局势威胁到供应,国际油价周二升至逾7年来新高。 WTI原油期货一度攀升至每桶85.74美元,布伦特原油期货则一度 |
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