牌号简介 About |
注射成型用PBT,化学增强30%玻璃珠。在负温度下也具有优异的性能,如拉伸和弯曲的弹性模量、拉伸强度和韧性。不吸水,这意味着在潮湿环境中也能保持相同的性能。熔体具有很好的流变性,能够制造出具有复杂下流路径的极多种产品。与PA相比,缩孔的各向异性要好得多,这对圆孔、圆柱孔或其它孔产品的制造有很大的影响。在汽车、电气和工程行业中的应用-以自然模式和全RAL色标交付的电缆线束、汽车门锁、连接链节、把手等的连接器。 PBT for injection moulding, chemically reinforced with 30% glass beads. Characterised by excellent properties also at minus temperatures like eg. modulus of elasticity in tension and bending, tensial strength, toughness. Does not absorb water, that means that identical properties are maintained also in wet environment. Melt is characterised by very good rheology, which enables manufacturing of extremely multiple products with complicated downflow-path. Anisotropy of shrinkage is much better in comparison with PA, what influences the manufacturing of round, cylindric or other hole products. Application in the automotive, electrical and engineering industry - connectors of cable harnesses, car-door locks, connection links, grips etc. Delivered in natural mode and in the full RAL colour scale. |
技术参数 Technical Data | |||
额定值 Nominal Value |
单位 Units |
测试方法 Test Method |
密度 Density |
1.53 | g/cm³ | ISO 1183 |
熔体质量流动速率 Melt Flow Rate |
250℃,2.16kg 250℃,2.16kg |
25 | g/10min | ISO 1133 |
收缩率 Shrinkage rate |
STM 64 0808 | ||
1.0 | % | STM 64 0808 |
0.93 | % | STM 64 0808 |
含水量 water content |
0.050 | % | ISO 960 |
额定值 Nominal Value |
单位 Units |
测试方法 Test Method |
拉伸模量 Tensile modulus |
MPa | ISO 527-2 | |
拉伸强度 tensile strength |
屈服 yield |
MPa | ISO 527-2 | |
拉伸应变 Tensile strain |
屈服 yield |
% | ISO 527-2 | |
弯曲模量 Bending modulus |
MPa | ISO 178 | |
弯曲强度 bending strength |
MPa | ISO 178 | |
冲击性能 IMPACT |
额定值 Nominal Value |
单位 Units |
测试方法 Test Method |
简支梁缺口冲击强度 Charpy Notched Impact Strength |
ISO 179 | ||
-20℃ -20℃ |
kJ/m² | ISO 179 | |
23℃ 23℃ |
kJ/m² | ISO 179 | |
简支梁无缺口冲击强度 Charpy Unnotch Impact strength |
ISO 179 | ||
-20℃ -20℃ |
kJ/m² | ISO 179 | |
23℃ 23℃ |
kJ/m² | ISO 179 | |
额定值 Nominal Value |
单位 Units |
测试方法 Test Method |
热变形温度 Hot deformation temperature |
0.45 MPa,未退火 0.45 MPa, unannealed |
℃ | ISO 75-2/B | |
维卡软化温度 Vicat Softening Temp |
℃ | ISO 306/B | |
熔融温度 Melting temperature |
℃ | ISO 3146 | |
电气性能 Electrical performance |
额定值 Nominal Value |
单位 Units |
测试方法 Test Method |
表面电阻率 Surface resistivity |
ohms | IEC 60093 | |
体积电阻率 Volume resistivity |
ohms·cm | IEC 60093 | |
介电强度 Dielectric strength |
kV/mm | IEC 60243-1 | |
相比漏电起痕指数 Compared to the leakage tracing index |
解决方案 A Solution A |
V | IEC 60112 | |
额定值 Nominal Value |
单位 Units |
测试方法 Test Method |
阻燃等级 Flame retardant level |
UL 94 | ||
灼热丝起燃温度 Igniting temperature of the hot wire |
℃ | IEC 60695-2-13 |
备注 |
1 一般属性:这些不能被视为规格。 |
湖北十堰“关改搬转”27家沿汉江化工企业 提前4年完成任务
2021-07-08 搜料网资讯: 据湖北日报报道,截至目前,十堰市27家沿汉江化工企业中,关闭7家、改造16家、搬迁2家、转产2家,提前4年多完成沿汉江化工企业关改搬转暨危化品生产企业搬迁改造工 |
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