牌号简介 About |
注射成型用改性共聚聚丙烯,含30%微粉,漂浮,化学改性滑石。一般应用-包装材料,花园花盆,玩具,家具工业,夹子,销子,铰链,支架,办公椅,底盘,马达,挡泥板盖。增加韧性。以自然模式和完整的RAL色标交付。 Silicone Rubber, HTV Spark Plugs Boots, Automotive & Transportation Vibration Dampers, Automotive & Transportation Hoses, Automotive, Automotive & Transportation Protective Clothing, Technical Textiles Exhaust-Pipe Suspensions, Automotive & Transportation Molded Seals, Plastics and Rubber Processing Membranes, Automotive & Transportation Molded Parts, Automotive, Plastics and Rubber Processing Molded Parts, Food Contact, Plastics and Rubber Processing Molded Parts, Technical, Plastics and Rubber Processing Molded parts; tap water and wastewater contact, Plastics and Rubber Processing Extrudates, Automotive, Plastics and Rubber Processing Extrudates, food contact, Plastics and Rubber Processing Extrudates, Technical, Plastics and Rubber Processing Extruded parts; tap water and wastewater contact, Plastics and Rubber Processing Coating of Fabrics and Textiles, Technical Textiles Sealant Profiles, Construction |
技术参数 Technical Data | |||
Uncured Properties Uncured Properties |
额定值 Nominal Value |
单位 Units |
测试方法 Test Method |
颜色 colour |
Clear/Transparent | ||
密度 Density |
1.15 | g/cm³ | ISO 1183 |
Cured Properties Cured Properties |
额定值 Nominal Value |
单位 Units |
测试方法 Test Method |
邵氏硬度 Shore hardness |
邵氏 A Shaw's A |
52 | DIN 53505 | |
拉伸强度 tensile strength |
11.0 | MPa | DIN 53504 |
拉伸应变 Tensile strain |
断裂 fracture |
520 | % | DIN 53504 |
压缩形变 Compression deformation |
% | DIN ISO 815-B | |
撕裂强度 tear strength |
kN/m | ASTM D624-B | |
回弹性 Resilience |
% | DIN 53512 |
备注 | |||
暂无数据 |
2017-09-07 美国得克萨斯州休斯敦地区是美国化工业重镇,这里分布着230多家化工厂、33座炼油厂和绵延数百公里的运输管道。飓风“哈维”来袭后,已有约40家企业发生有毒化学品泄漏,一家化工厂3天内两次发生爆炸,其他工厂也相继出现油罐漏油、管道泄漏的报告。业内人士指出,“还将有更多的多米诺骨牌会倒下”。 |
【免责声明】 广州搜料信息技术有限公司保留所有权利。 此数据表中的信息由搜料网soliao.com从该材料的生产商处获得。搜料网soliao.com尽最大努力确保此数据的准确性。 但是搜料公司对这些数据值及建议等给用户带来的不确定因素和后果不承担任何责任,并强烈建议在最终选择材料前,就数据值与材料供应商进行验证。 |