牌号简介 About |
它是一种高密度聚乙烯化合物,用于射频同轴电缆的绝缘。Borcell™ HE1123设计为通过选择电气清洁原料使电缆衰减最小,不含添加剂。Borcell™ HE1123设计用于对高频低衰减有极高要求的射频同轴电缆的绝缘。通过与适当的稳定的低密度聚乙烯组分(如Borcel LE1120)以优化的比例混合,在挤出之前,可以实现尽可能低的衰减和良好的发泡性能。请在下面的应用程序中找到更多信息。 It is a high density polyethylene compound intended for the insulation of radio frequency coaxial cables. HE1123 is designed to give the lowest possible cable attenuation by the selection of electrical clean feedstock and contains limited amount of selected additives. HE1123 is designed to be used as insulation for radio frequency coaxial cables having an extra high demand on low attenuation at high frequencies. By blending with a suitable stabilised LDPE component, such as LE1120, in an optimised ratio, prior to the extrusion, the lowest possible attenuation and good foaming properties can be achieved. Please find more information on applications below. Applications HE1123 is designed to use as physically foamed insulation for: Radio frequency coaxial cables (50 Ohm) Specifications HE1123 meets the following material classification: ISO 1872-PE, KGHN, 62-D090 ASTM D 1248 Type IV, Class A, Category 3 The following cable material standards are met by HE1123: EN 50290-2-23 Cables manufactured with HE1123 using sound extrusion practice normally comply with the following cable product standards: IEC 61196 EN 50117 Special Features HE1123 consists of specially selected components to offer: Low attenuation at high frequency Expansion degree above 80% |
技术参数 Technical Data | |||
额定值 Nominal Value |
单位 Units |
测试方法 Test Method |
密度 Density 3 |
0.963 | g/cm³ | ISO 1183 |
熔体质量流动速率 Melt Flow Rate |
190℃,2.16kg 190℃,2.16kg |
8.0 | g/10min | ISO 1133 |
额定值 Nominal Value |
单位 Units |
测试方法 Test Method |
邵氏硬度 Shore hardness |
邵氏 D,1 秒 Shore D, 1 second |
64 | ISO 868 | |
拉伸强度 tensile strength |
屈服 yield |
33.0 | MPa | ISO 527-2/50 |
拉伸应变 Tensile strain |
屈服 yield |
600 | % | ISO 527-2/50 |
电气性能 Electrical performance |
额定值 Nominal Value |
单位 Units |
测试方法 Test Method |
介电常数 Dielectric constant |
IEC 60250 | ||
1 MHz 1 MHz |
IEC 60250 | ||
1.80 GHz 1.80 GHz |
IEC 60250 | ||
耗散因数 Dissipation factor |
IEC 60250 | ||
1 MHz 1 MHz |
IEC 60250 | ||
1.8 GHz 1.8 GHz |
IEC 60250 |
备注 |
1 一般属性:这些不能被视为规格。 |
2 ISO 1872-2 |
2017-06-12 中国总理李克强表示,中国将继续放宽市场准入,欢迎跨国公司抓住机遇,与中国经济共同成长。 中国国务院总理李克强,北京时间6月7日下午在人民大会堂会见来华出席“全球首席执行官委员会”第五届圆桌峰会的跨国企业负责人。 据中国政府网消息,李克强同来自陶氏化学、霍尼韦尔、必和必拓、高通等近20家世界500强企业负责人,围绕监管改革、贸易便利化、创新能力建设等议题进行了深度交流。 李克强表示,中方坚持多边主义原则和全球化方向。 李克强指出 |
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