牌号简介 About |
enVisiontec WIC100G树脂是为完美市场上的模型铸造而设计的。纳米蜡含量提供了一个干净的烧毁与最高的复制细节。当使用标准的蜡烧损周期和定期的石膏投资时,从WIC100G树脂中很容易进行蜡铸造。在烧坏循环期间,纳米蜡首先熔化,使树脂在没有过度膨胀或脱气压力的情况下烧坏,脱气是烧坏循环期间通常与聚合物基材料有关的问题。WIC100G是一种光固化混合树脂系统,在不牺牲强度、易操作性和表面光洁度的情况下,生产出最高质量的零件细节。高品质的精密零件、卓越的烧损性能和高速建筑使WIC100G成为珠宝市场中用于生产直接熔模铸造主图案的最佳选择。应用珠宝推荐机器:Aureus,Perfectory 4 Mini带ERM,Perfectory 4 Mini XL带ERM,Perfectory 3 Mini多镜头 The EnvisionTEC WIC100G resin has been formulated for the casting of model made on the Perfactory® market. The nano-wax content offers a clean burn out with the highest reproduction details. Wax casting is easy from the WIC100G resin when using a standard wax burn out cycle with a regular gypsum investment. During the burn out cycle, the nano-wax melts away first allowing the resin to burn off without excessive expansion or pressure from degassing which is a problem normally associated with polymer based materials during the burn out cycle. WIC100G is a photo cured hybrid resin system that produces the highest quality part details without sacrificing strength, ease of handling, and finishing. Highest quality detailed parts, excellent burn out properties, and high speed building allows the WIC100G to be optimal for use in Jewelry market for production of master patterns for direct investment casting. Applications Jewelry Recommended Machines: Aureus, Perfactory® 4 Mini with ERM, Perfactory® 4 Mini XL with ERM, Perfactory® 3 Mini Multi Lens |
技术参数 Technical Data | |||
额定值 Nominal Value |
单位 Units |
测试方法 Test Method |
密度 Density |
1.32 | g/cm³ | ISO 1183 |
粘度 viscosity |
0.004 | Pa·s | DIN 1342 |
补充信息 Supplementary information |
额定值 Nominal Value |
单位 Units |
测试方法 Test Method |
Ignition Point Ignition Point |
300 | ℃ | DIN 53765 |
额定值 Nominal Value |
单位 Units |
测试方法 Test Method |
邵氏硬度 Shore hardness |
邵氏 D Shaw's D |
80 | ISO 868 | |
拉伸强度 tensile strength |
14.8 | MPa | ISO 527-2 |
拉伸应变 Tensile strain |
断裂 fracture |
% | ISO 527-2 |
备注 |
1 一般属性:这些不能被视为规格。 |
2022-07-07 日前,可口可乐英国分公司宣布推出铰链式瓶盖包装,使塑料饮料瓶的瓶盖不能脱落。这种设计可以帮助那些喜欢错位瓶盖的消费者取回瓶盖,并解决瓶盖难以回收的问题。据报道,该 |
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