牌号简介 About |
TPX® DX231是一种聚甲基戊烯共聚物(PMP 共聚物)材料,。 该产品在北美洲有供货,加工方式为:挤出涂层、纤维(纺纱)挤出或注射成型。 TPX® DX231的主要特性为:高刚度。 TPX™ DX231 TPX™ DX231 is a Polymethylpentene Copolymer (PMP Copolymer) material. It is available in North America for extrusion coating, fiber (spinning) extrusion, or injection molding. Primary attribute of TPX™ DX231: High Stiffness. TPX™ DX231 TPX™ is a 4-methylpentene-1-based olefin copolymer. TPX™ has a unique molecular structure. Although TPX™ is a crystalline olefin polymer, it shows transparency. Because of its excellent heat-resistance, release property and chemical resistance, TPX™ is used for industrial materials, including mandrels and sheaths in the manufacture of high-pressure rubber hose, mold cups to create LED light and other applications such as release film on FPC manufacturing process and release paper in the manufacture of synthetic leather. Furthermore, TPX™ possesses a lowest density among thermoplastic polymers and then provides the molded articles with lower weight. This leads to reduce the environmental load for transportation. It is also noted that TPX™ is a halogen-free polymer denoted as environmentally-friendly material. TPX™ is also used for food-related applications such as food wraps, food preservation packs, baking carton and microwave oven tableware. |
技术参数 Technical Data | |||
额定值 Nominal Value |
单位 Units |
测试方法 Test Method |
密度 Density |
0.832 | g/cm³ | 内部方法 |
熔体质量流动速率 Melt Flow Rate |
260℃,5.0kg 260℃,5.0kg |
100 | g/10min | 内部方法 |
吸水率 Water Absorption |
饱和 saturated |
< 0.010 | % | ASTM D570 |
冲击性能 IMPACT |
额定值 Nominal Value |
单位 Units |
测试方法 Test Method |
悬臂梁缺口冲击强度 Izod Notched Impact strength |
注塑 Injection molding |
13 | J/m | ASTM D256 |
悬臂梁无缺口冲击强度 Izod Unnotched Impact strength |
23℃,注塑成型 23 ℃, injection molding |
8.0 | J/m | ASTM D4812 |
额定值 Nominal Value |
单位 Units |
测试方法 Test Method |
热变形温度 HDT 4 |
0.45 MPa,未退火,6.35 mm 0.45 MPa, unannealed, 6.35 mm 4 |
℃ | ASTM D648 | |
维卡软化温度 Vicat Softening Temperature |
℃ | ASTM D1525 5 | |
结晶峰温度 Crystallization peak temperature |
℃ | ASTM D3418 | |
线性热膨胀系数 Coeff.of linear therm expansion |
MD:-10~160℃ MD:-10~160℃ |
1/℃ | 内部方法 | |
额定值 Nominal Value |
单位 Units |
测试方法 Test Method |
体积电阻率 Volume resistivity 6 |
2 mm 2 mm 6 |
ohms·cm | ASTM D257 | |
介电强度 Dielectric strength 6 |
2 mm 2 mm 6 |
kV/mm | ASTM D149 | |
介电常数 Dielectric constant 6 |
2.00 mm,1 MHz 2.00 mm,1 MHz 6 |
ASTM D150 | ||
光学性能 OPTICAL |
额定值 Nominal Value |
单位 Units |
测试方法 Test Method |
折射率 Refractive index 7 |
ASTM D542 | ||
透光率 Light Transmission |
注塑成型 injection molding |
% | ASTM D1003 | |
雾度 Haze |
注塑薄膜 Injection molded film |
% | ASTM D1003 | |
额定值 Nominal Value |
单位 Units |
测试方法 Test Method |
洛氏硬度 Rockwell hardness |
R 级 R-level |
ASTM D785 | ||
拉伸模量 Tensile modulus 2 |
23℃,注塑成型 23 ℃, injection molding 2 |
MPa | ASTM D638 | |
拉伸强度 tensile strength 2 |
ASTM D638 | ||
屈服,23℃,注塑成型 Yield, 23 ℃, injection molding |
MPa | ASTM D638 | |
断裂,23℃,注塑成型 Fracture, 23 ℃, injection molding |
MPa | ASTM D638 | |
拉伸应变 Tensile strain 2 |
断裂,23℃,注塑成型 Fracture, 23 ℃, injection molding 2 |
% | ASTM D638 | |
弯曲模量 Flexural Modulus 3 |
3.20 mm,注塑成型,51 mm跨距 3.20 mm, injection molded, 51 mm span 3 |
MPa | ASTM D790 | |
弯曲强度 Flexural Strength 3 |
3.20 mm,注塑成型,51 mm跨度 3.20 mm, injection molded, 51 mm span 3 |
MPa | ASTM D790 |
备注 |
1 一般属性:这些不能被视为规格。 |
2 类型 4, 2.0 in/min |
3 0.051 in/min |
4 120°C/hr |
5 速率 A (50°C/h), 压 力1 (10N) |
6 Injection Molded |
7 Injection Molded, 2 mm, 589 nm wavelength |
三聚氰胺:急涨急跌 振幅134.3%
2021-07-27 搜料网资讯: 上半年,国内三聚氰胺市场大幅震荡,振幅达134.3%。年初时,三聚氰胺价格相对较低,仅7000元(吨价,下同),但在4~5月上旬价格飙涨,最高时超过1.5万元,振幅高达134.3%。 |
【免责声明】 广州搜料信息技术有限公司保留所有权利。 此数据表中的信息由搜料网soliao.com从该材料的生产商处获得。搜料网soliao.com尽最大努力确保此数据的准确性。 但是搜料公司对这些数据值及建议等给用户带来的不确定因素和后果不承担任何责任,并强烈建议在最终选择材料前,就数据值与材料供应商进行验证。 |