牌号简介 About |
高填充碳酸钙浓缩物加上1%的快速开坯卡瓦,在聚烯烃薄膜的各种输入水平上提供了足够的COF控制。合适的应用:吹膜流延膜(任何需要滑动的应用)环保型碳酸钙是一种丰富的天然矿物,可用于有效取代目标应用中石化基成分的重要部分。通过使用我们的精矿,提高了生产率和降低了能源消耗,这些都有助于将最终产品的碳足迹降到最低。我们的浓缩物中的成分被批准用于直接食品接触包装,并且不含重金属,使它们符合加利福尼亚提案65和CONEG等法规。 A highly filled calcium carbonate concentrate with 1% quick blooming slip added provides sufficient COF control in a variety of input levels in polyolefin films. Suitable Applications: blown film cast film (any application requiring slip) Environmentally Beneficial Calcium carbonate is a plentiful, natural mineral and can be used to effectively displace a signifi- cant portion of the petrochemical based compo- nent in the targeted application. The improved productivity and the lower energy consumption awarded by using our concentrates all help to minimize the carbon footprint of the end product. Regulatory Compliance The ingredients in our concentrates are approved for use in direct food contact packaging and are heavy metals free making them compliant with regulations such as California Proposition 65 and CONEG. |
技术参数 Technical Data | |||
额定值 Nominal Value |
单位 Units |
测试方法 Test Method |
密度 Density |
1.95 | g/cm³ | ASTM D792 |
熔体质量流动速率 Melt Flow Rate |
190℃,2.16kg 190℃,2.16kg |
1.0 | g/10min | ASTM D1238 |
Moisture Moisture |
< 1000 | ppm | ASTM D6980 |
备注 |
1 quick blooming |
2 一般属性:这些不能被视为规格。 |
布伦特原油升破每桶135美元 因市场担忧供应收紧
2022-03-07 石油价格升破每桶135美元,市场又将迎来动荡的一周。白宫表示正在讨论对俄罗斯供应实施禁运,神经已然紧绷的石油市场供应担忧将进一步上升。 俄乌冲突引发对石油供应紧张的担忧 |
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