牌号简介 About |
Vinnolit® C 12/62 V是一种具有高乙酸乙烯酯含量的共聚物扩塑树脂,专门为糊料制造而开发。在与制糊PVC树脂的混合物中,它结合了均聚物增稠剂树脂的良好降粘性能和醋酸乙烯共聚物典型的较低胶凝温度。 Vinnolit C 12/62 V is a copolymeric extender resin having a high vinyl acetate content which has been specially developed for paste making. In blends with paste-making PVC resins, it combines the good viscosity-reducing properties of the homopolymer paste extender resins with the lower gelling temperatures typical of vinyl acetate copolymers. |
技术参数 Technical Data | |||
额定值 Nominal Value |
单位 Units |
测试方法 Test Method |
表观密度 Apparent density |
0.65 | g/cm³ | ISO 60 |
K-Value K-Value |
62.0 | ISO 1628-2 | |
粘度值 Viscosity value |
降低的粘度 Reduced viscosity |
95.0 | ml/g | ISO 1628 |
醋酸乙烯含量 Vinyl acetate content |
12.0 | wt% | |
挥发物 Volatiles |
< 0.50 | % | ISO 1269 |
颗粒大小分布 Particle size distribution 2 |
% | ISO 4610 |
备注 |
1 一般属性:这些不能被视为规格。 |
2 retained on 0.100 mm screen |
2021-12-27 搜料网资讯: 说明: (1)价格:元/吨 (2)成交量、持仓量:手(按双边计算) (3)成交额:万元(按双边计算) (4)涨跌=收盘价-前结算价 (5)涨跌1=今结算价-前结算价 大连商品交易所 |
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