牌号简介 About |
TC-5041 A/B是一种高撕裂强度、添加/铂、室温固化硅橡胶,设计用于模具制造、封装应用、压力垫、垫圈和各种类型的零件。它还用于制造铸造低熔点金属的模具。随着滑石粉作为界面的使用,TC-5041 A/B已用于铸造金属温度运行650°F(344°C)。TC-5041 A/B具有耐高温的能力,可以很好地作为金属喷涂和焊接操作的面罩。 TC-5041 A/B is a high tear strength, addition/platinum, room temperature curing silicone rubber designed for mold making, encapsulation applications, pressure pads, gaskets, and various types of parts. It is also used to make molds for casting low melting metals. With the use of talc powder as an interface the TC-5041 A/B has been used with cast metal temperatures running 650°F (344°C). With the ability to withstand high temperatures the TC-5041 A/B works very well as a mask for metal spraying and welding operations. |
技术参数 Technical Data | |||
额定值 Nominal Value |
单位 Units |
测试方法 Test Method |
密度 Density |
-- -- 2 |
1.04 | g/cm³ | |
-- -- |
1.38 | g/cm³ | ASTM D792 |
-- -- 3 |
1.43 | g/cm³ | |
特定体积 Specific volume |
0.759 | cm³/g | |
收缩率 Shrinkage rate 4 |
Nil | ASTM D2566 | |
额定值 Nominal Value |
单位 Units |
测试方法 Test Method |
邵氏硬度 Shore hardness |
邵氏 A Shaw's A |
ASTM D2240 | ||
弹性体 elastic body |
额定值 Nominal Value |
单位 Units |
测试方法 Test Method |
拉伸强度 tensile strength |
MPa | ASTM D412 | |
拉伸应变 Tensile strain |
断裂 fracture |
% | ASTM D412 | |
撕裂强度 tear strength 5 |
kN/m | ASTM D624 | |
额定值 Nominal Value |
单位 Units |
测试方法 Test Method |
线性热膨胀系数 Linear coefficient of thermal expansion |
1/℃ | ASTM E831 | |
热固组件 Thermosetting components |
部件 A Component A |
部件 B Component B |
贮藏期限 Storage period |
wk | ||
热固性混合粘度 Thermosetting mixed viscosity |
25℃ 25℃ 6 |
cP | ||
25℃ 25℃ 7 |
cP | ||
25℃ 25℃ 8 |
cP | ||
脱模时间 stripping time |
25℃ 25℃ |
hr | ||
胶凝时间 Gelation time |
hr | ||
工作时间 working hours 9 |
25℃ 25℃ 9 |
hr |
备注 |
2. Part B, 77°F |
3. Part A, 77°F |
4. 1 depth |
5. B 模具 |
6. Part A |
7. Part B |
8. Mixed |
9. 100g mass |
Sabic PC/ABS CYCOLOY MC5215_MC5215物性表/价格/供应商
2019-01-08 搜料网为你提供 Sabic PC/ABS CYCOLOY MC5215 的物性表、参考价格、材质证书、应用案例、原厂直供真货。 Sabic PC/ABS CYCOLOY MC5215牌号简介:CYCOLOY C5215是一种15%的玻璃纤维增强PC+ABS混合树脂,用 |
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