
牌号简介 About |
Vibrathane 8083是一种TDI端接聚酯基预聚物,当用4,4’-亚甲基双(邻氯苯胺),通常称为MBCA固化时,可得到85邵尔A硬度的聚氨酯。这种预聚物在室温下是液态的,在加工温度下表现出低粘度,并且特别耐热。Vibrathane® 8083弹性体的特点是:高拉伸和撕裂强度。优异的耐热性、耐燃油性和耐溶剂性。优异的耐磨性。良好的低温和动态性能。 VIBRATHANE 8083 is a TDI-terminated polyester based prepolymer which yields an 85 Shore A hardness urethane when cured with 4,4'-methylene bis-(orthochloroaniline), commonly called MBCA. This prepolymer is liquid at room temperature, exhibits low viscosities at processing temperatures and is exceptionally heat stable. Vibrathane 8083 elastomers are characterized by: High tensile and tear strength. Excellent heat, fuel and solvent resistance. Outstanding abrasion resistance. Good low temperature and dynamic properties. |
技术参数 Technical Data | |||
额定值 Nominal Value |
单位 Units |
测试方法 Test Method |
密度 Density |
1.25 | g/cm³ | ASTM D792 |
弹性体 elastic body |
额定值 Nominal Value |
单位 Units |
测试方法 Test Method |
拉伸强度 tensile strength |
ASTM D412 | ||
100% 应变 100% strain |
5.03 | MPa | ASTM D412 |
300% 应变 300% strain |
8.73 | MPa | ASTM D412 |
拉伸强度 tensile strength |
42.7 | MPa | ASTM D412 |
拉伸应变 Tensile strain |
断裂 fracture |
660 | % | ASTM D412 |
撕裂强度 tear strength |
-- -- 2 |
kN/m | ASTM D624 | |
开裂 cracking |
kN/m | ASTM D470 | |
压缩形变 Compression deformation |
70℃,22 hr 70℃,22 hr |
% | ASTM D395B | |
巴肖氏弹性 Basho's elasticity |
% | ASTM D2632 | |
额定值 Nominal Value |
单位 Units |
测试方法 Test Method |
热固组件 Thermosetting components |
树脂 resin |
硬化法 Hardening method |
储存稳定性 storage stability |
min | ||
后固化时间 Post curing time |
100℃ 100℃ |
hr | ||
Uncured Properties Uncured Properties |
额定值 Nominal Value |
单位 Units |
测试方法 Test Method |
固化时间 Curing time |
100℃ 100℃ |
hr | ||
额定值 Nominal Value |
单位 Units |
测试方法 Test Method |
邵氏硬度 Shore hardness |
邵氏 A Shaw's A |
ASTM D2240 | ||
泰伯耐磨性 Taber abraser |
5000 周期,1000 g,H-18 转轮 5000 cycles, 1000 g, H-18 wheels |
mg | ASTM D1044 |
备注 |
1 一般属性:这些不能被视为规格。 |
2 C 模具 |
【新闻资讯】查看全部 ![]()
2021-11-04 搜料网资讯; 1964年,我国第一颗原子弹爆炸成功;1967年,我国第一颗氢弹空爆试验成功;1970年,东方红1号人造地球卫星发射成功建国以来,我国国防尖端科技事业经历了呕心沥血的研 |
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