牌号简介 About |
Omnix® DW-4050是一种50%玻璃纤维增强高性能聚酰胺。它是一种可热塑性的热水,即使在吸湿后,也可用于要求优良机械性能的部件。Omnix® DW-4050具有高刚度和强度、很好的冲击性能、良好的尺寸稳定性和高流动性能。这种材料是一种经济的替代食品服务应用压铸合金。Omnix® DW-4050可根据美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)的使用条件B至H,与除食品类型VI C、酒精含量超过8%的饮料外的所有食品类型接触。欧盟法规还允许食品接触使用Omnix® DW-4050。有关具体许可,请联系您的Solvay代表。它很容易使用传统的注塑机和方法进行加工。水冷模具适用于这种级别的产品。黑色:Omnix® DW-4050 BK 001 Omnix® DW-4050 is a 50% glass-fiber reinforced high-performance polyamide. It is hot-water moldable and intended for use in components requiring superior mechanical properties even after moisture absorption. Omnix® DW-4050 is characterized by high stiffness and strength, very good impact properties, good dimensional stability and high flow properties. This material is an economical alternative for food service applications using die-cast alloys. Omnix® DW-4050 is cleared for use under United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Conditions of Use B through H, in contact with all food types except Food Type VI C, Beverages containing more than 8 percent alcohol. Omnix® DW-4050 is also cleared for food contact use by European Union regulations. For specific clearances, please contact your Solvay representative. It processes readily using conventional injection molding machines and methods. Water-cooled molds are suitable for use with this grade. Black: Omnix® DW-4050 BK 001 |
技术参数 Technical Data | |||
额定值 Nominal Value |
单位 Units |
测试方法 Test Method |
密度 Density |
1.59 | g/cm³ | ASTM D792 |
收缩率 Shrinkage rate 4 |
ISO 294-4 | ||
0.50 | % | ISO 294-4 |
0.10 | % | ISO 294-4 |
额定值 Nominal Value |
单位 Units |
测试方法 Test Method |
拉伸模量 Tensile modulus |
17000 | MPa | ISO 527-2 |
拉伸强度 tensile strength |
屈服 yield |
245 | MPa | ISO 527-2 |
拉伸应变 Tensile strain |
断裂 fracture |
% | ISO 527-2 | |
弯曲模量 Bending modulus |
MPa | ISO 178 | |
弯曲强度 bending strength |
MPa | ISO 178 | |
冲击性能 IMPACT |
额定值 Nominal Value |
单位 Units |
测试方法 Test Method |
悬臂梁缺口冲击强度 Impact strength of cantilever beam notch |
kJ/m² | ISO 180/A | |
悬臂梁无缺口冲击强度 Notched impact strength of cantilever beam |
kJ/m² | ISO 180 | |
额定值 Nominal Value |
单位 Units |
测试方法 Test Method |
熔融温度 Melting temperature |
℃ | ISO 11357-3 |
备注 |
1 Omnix® DW-4050 is cleared for use under United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Conditions of Use B through H, in contact with all food types except Food Type VI C, Beverages containing more than 8 percent alcohol. |
2 For specific clearances, please contact your Solvay representative. |
3 一般属性:这些不能被视为规格。 |
4 Solvay Test Method. Shrink rates can vary with part design and processing conditions. Please consult a Solvay Technical Representative for more information. |
速度与热情 KUKA领跑自动化赛道
2017-04-18 近期电影《速度与激情8》的热映让赛车又火了一把。在现实中,哈斯F1主题开放日活动近日在上海成功开幕,全球领先的工业机器人制造商KUKA公司与来自全国各地的上百名来宾共襄盛举。 作为哈斯自动化公司的重要合作伙伴,KUKA受邀在现场分享环节为到场来宾介绍了KUKA引以为傲的机器人技术及其辐射甚广的应用范围。 本次开放日活动适逢一年一度的F1大奖赛上海站举办期间,作为哈斯F1车队的官方指定机床品牌,哈斯希望通过主题开放日活动与更多的企业建立良好关系。 < |
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